Well... we are not always going to very far places... even nearby locations can be pretty interesting.
ISO: 200, S: 1/100, A: f/11
Lighting is terrible, it was dark... and I didn't bring my 430EX II flash, so I am using my on camera flash and it was a direct shot, so the lighting became very harsh (note: don't ever do that again).
Well, it really is up to you to find interesting subject to shoot... like this duck who was seemingly very interested at something on the branches... and,
There he goes jumping up to investigate. Well... for this shot, it happened pretty fast, so I set my speed to be relatively fast, you got to predict the speed of your subject. In actual fact 1/250 sec is good enough for the duck. To prevent getting off focus shots especially at this type of shot, I set a low aperture so that it would have a deeper DOF, which will ensure that more of my scene will be in focus.
Well... I have always peached... get the expression of the animal... all of them have very good expression... well... in this case, it was a dog that is afraid of me. She had been hiding when I went there...
Well... to note, we have never abuse any animal... I would have wanted to stroke the dog... but she is a dog and she had fangs... I don't appreciate having a piece of me being biten off my body. So... yeah. One thing about photography... it is to take care of yourself.
Animals are interesting subject to shoot... they always was... however for most of my shots this time round, I was standing up and shooting down. It was not a good way to do things, you need to be at eye level most of the time. So... in future, I will try to be on the ground, and as low as possible.
Well... animal is great subjects. So was structures...
Taking photo of a bridge and the bridge alone, is boring. So I shoot with my mum in my frame. It give a perspective of the height of the bridge and she mustn't be too near me, to give a reference to the distance... making the bridge look longer.
Well we didn't go alot of places this time round, and so I only have a few photos to share. All these are taken with careful thoughts in them.
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